Sunday, September 21, 2008


There's nothing like a giant guilt trip on your birthday...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

For all Intents and Purposes

I only had 3 drinks tonight, which is pretty much equivalent to me not drinking at all. It also seems to be the equivalent of me blowing an 8-ball of coke seeing as Im still up, again, at 3:20am. I need to sleep. 
It's my friend Marty's birthday tonight/today (the 18th) so happy birthday to him. 
Im thinking about diving into a new computer repair project right now just to keep me occupied and perhaps make me tired...maybe, please?
I feel like even my writing is taking a turn for the insane right now...I dont deal well with sleep deprivation but I also apparently dont deal well with trying force sleep...blah....more when Im clear-headed

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

It's gonna get weird soon

The insomnia won, I didnt sleep at all. I did, however, watch the entire 4th season of entourage in one marathon sitting.
Im hoping this night of no sleep will lead to me getting back to a semi regular sleep pattern...and not lead to somekind of 3 day nonstop bender...I havent started drinking yet today, so it looks like im on the right path...right?

My insomnia is stronger than gas station liquor

Im not drunk tonight. I was drunk tonight but have since sobered up, I havent been sleeping much lately. I also think it's a distinct possibility that I am close to having watched every episode of every decent tv series that has come out in the last 15 years. I have an insatiable appetite for all things pop culture, If I could only throw this passion into something useful...or find a way to make it lucrative that doesnt involve a quiz show. 
I cant even admit, to the two or three people that may actually read this, what I did tonight...that makes it seem worse than it was...Im still not proud of myself...but booze makes me think that I know about things that I dont know about at producing rap songs...At least I wasnt the one rapping. I guess I can admit it. 
So after listening to Immortal Technique a little more I realized that the paranoia and obnoxious political references make him more of a waste of time than anything else...if youre looking for decent rap(or more specifically rap with latin american influences/MCs) listen to jedi mind tricks and/or Army of the Pharaohs. Im pretty sure that during one ten minute block of listening to Immortal Technique today I heard him claim to be atheist, communist, terrorist, and nihilist(not to mention the shit about the government tapping all our phones, and being out to kill him because he knows too much)...Just ridiculous shit...It was better drunk. 
what isnt.
I find writing in here sober to be more difficult than doing it drunk...or otherwise intoxicated. I need something to mute what normally censors even my internal monologue. 
Its after 5am, Im done...more tv shows. Pray that I sleep sometime.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Night 3...still drunk...still drinking for that matter.
I got in an argument about music tonight...which is the worst kind of argument for me to get in because, normally, I will just back down and tell you that you are right no matter what because I fear confrontation...but I am very opinionated about music...and I will fight, to the death, about being right about what I think about music. So anyway, I was trying to defend the point that if you could maintain your moral credibility(to yourself) and still make a bunch of money, you would be an idiot to not go down the road that leads to a million just blows my mind that people who have lived long enough to know what its like to be poor can grasp so firmly to the idealistic view of "not selling out". Maybe 5 years of art school made me jaded...but I know that I would go for the money in a heart beat...or maybe I'm just old and I'm embracing the fact that I love pop music. I feel that it's simply a natural progression to go from holding on to the underground that raised you to accepting the fact that you can reach a larger audience while making a comfortable living if you are signed to a major label (or working for rolling stone, or making commissioned paintings for the white house etc...) blah enough about that...but, on a related note, if you wanted to hear some really decent (albeit paranoid to the point of making me question if he's schizophrenic) rap you should listen to immortal's good, he hates the government...and almost everything else...but it's good. 
I feel like I have more to say but I also feel that it would be redundant to keep going at this point. So, for now, I'm done. 

PS. I really like lil wayne and I think you should too (that was the artist I was arguing in defense of tonight...)

Monday, September 15, 2008


So much for regaling you with stories of not wasted nights...I am, once again, drunk.
But tonight was good...for me at least. I drank for free, again. I am eating hot pockets and lemon butter and garlic fish is ok
The winds of Hurricane Ike reached Cleveland today and, while I was hanging out in willoughby with angela and adam goddard, god decided to fuck with us and smash adams car with a tree...thankfully he was not in it. No one was hurt and the totalled car gave us a reason to go to the bar and get if the browns weren't enough.  It also gave me the opportunity to acquire some free plant matter from Adam for giving him a ride home...all in all another good night. 
Pop punk makes any drive home better, by the way.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

It's a good thing...

It's a good thing I left this page open last night, otherwise I would've completely forgot that I signed up for this...but it's here now so Ill do what I can to keep it updated. 
I was really drunk last night...more drunk than Ive been in a long time (well more drunk than Ive been in a long time with other people and having fun and not drinking to try to forget how miserable I am). It's a mixed blessing when one of your best friends is the bartender and you drink for free all night...well I guess I can't complain, I probably put down over $100 worth of liquor and beer last night and I didn't get sick or have to deal with a hangover...or pay. All I had to do was get a ride to my car this morning(afternoon) because there was no way in hell I was driving myself home last night...I was literally "on my heels". 
Anyway, hopefully Ill be able to regale you with things other than wasted nights...I don't find my life that interesting but I do love attention so, like I said, Ill try to update frequently. 

third one in ten minutes...really?

I finished six feet under last night and i cried like a i turn 24 in one week...what the fuck

9/14/08...early again...and drunk

here I am blogging again...what does this say about my life? maybe Ill write more when Im sober...I can tell you about what music you should listen to...thats about it...


I never thought Id miss caring about football so much...